Before we begin this story, we must tell you that the reporter investigating this story does not believe a word of it. Otherwise, he would be as crazy as the one who told him. And he is in an asylum. Sometimes, however, he has doubts. It will be up to you to decide, in the last resort, if this story can be true! GEORGE thus finds himself in a mental asylum. The reporter, who specializes in sensational events, never goes anywhere unless he smells a good story. He keeps his camera rolling while interviewing GEORGE, who is there for life, and is only too happy that someone will finally know the truth.

If there ever was a God. What kind of God would create this woman he meets : VILMA? VILMA is the kind of model you see in magazine ads, the high fashion models. Georges is one of the biggest womanizers in this business until the day he meets VILMA… Everything happens on a ship, the “Morland”, one of those big ships for cruises. GEORGE, on board, is there for his job and not for pleasure. McKay Phipps, the advertising agency for which he works, employs him for an advertising campaign for an “Apex” camera. Important means are released. He replaces a photographer who died, three days before, of a heart attack. Smitty Lane, GEORGE’s assistant for the shooting, organized everything before the departure. There are worse things than going on an all-expenses-paid two-week ocean cruise in February. The locations chosen for the shots are seaside resorts. But VILMA hides a strange secret…